Data Embodiment

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In this weeks assignment we are going to use online data to inform our design by embodying it into a physical artefact. We will use MQTT (a lightweight protocol for the Internet of Things) to provide you with multiple data sources that you can use in this assignment.

The three datasources we provide are:

  1. The current coordinates of the ISS and its calculated distance to IDE in Delft
  2. A Perlin Noise function that returns smooth values between -1 and 1

You can follow the flow of data when going to

Before we begin

For this week’s assignment, we prepared a lot of different code snippets to help you along. They are meant for you to use and modify for your specific design and device. Simple copy+pasting without a rough understanding of what you are copying will not work!

Although we will use a lot of code, you are not required to understand every little line, but rather analyse your needs and search for the specific code sample.

As a prerequisite for this tutorial to work, make sure you followed and successfully completed Tutorial 4 and connected your ItsyBitsy to the internet.

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