02: Running two sequences simultaneously

When we want to run two sequences at the same time, for example to control a servo and an LED, we basically have to double everything from the individual sequence.

In this example, we will let the Chainable LED on pin D13 blink, while we wiggle the servo motor connected to D2

##--- Library Imports
import time
import board
import neopixel
import pwmio
from adafruit_motor import servo
from varspeed import Vspeed

##--- VarSpeed Variables

MIN_LED = 0  # The minimum  possible value of our component
MAX_LED = 255  # The maximum possible value of our component

vs_led = Vspeed(init_position=MIN_LED, result="int")  # init_position = initial start position // result = float, int
vs_led.set_bounds(lower_bound=MIN_LED, upper_bound=MAX_LED)  # make the output of the function be within the bounds set

MIN_SERVO = 0  # The minimum  possible value of our component
MAX_SERVO = 180  # The maximum possible value of our component

vs_servo = Vspeed(init_position=MIN_SERVO,
                  result="int")  # init_position = initial start position // result = float, int
                    upper_bound=MAX_SERVO)  # make the output of the function be within the bounds set

##--- Hardware Setup
pin_leds = board.D13
num_leds = 1
leds = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin_leds, num_leds, auto_write=False, pixel_order=neopixel.GRBW)

pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(board.D2, duty_cycle=2 ** 15, frequency=50)  # create a PWMOut object on Pin D2.
my_servo = servo.Servo(pwm)  # Create a servo object, my_servo
my_servo.angle = MIN_SERVO  # set the servo to a known starting point

##--- Custom Movement Sequence
# This is where we can define the brightness of our LDED
# The sequence will go through each entry and move to the next entry
# The sequence is defined in this format: (next-position,seconds-to-move,number-of-steps,easing function)
# Take a look at different easing functions here: https://easings.net 
led_sequence = [
    (MAX_LED, 0.1, 5, "QuadEaseIn"),
    # Translates to: Go to the MAX value within 0.1 seconds and 5 steps, and use a QuadEaseIn easing function
    (MIN_LED, 1.0, 40, "QuadEaseInOut")
    # Translates to: Go to the MIN value within 1 seconds and 40 steps, and use a QuadEaseInOut easing function

servo_sequence = [
    (180, 5.0, 100, "LinearInOut"),
    # Translates to: Go to value 180 within 5 seconds and 100 steps, and use a linear easing function
    (0, 2.0, 5, "QuadEaseOut"),
    # Translates to: Go to value 0 within 2 seconds and 5 steps, and use a QuadEaseOut easing function
    (90, 2.0, 10, "SineEaseInOut")
    # Translates to: Go to value 90 within 2 seconds and 10 steps, and use a SineEaseInOut easing function

# Define what should happen when we get to the end of our LED sequence
led_looping = 0  # play the sequence in an endless loop forever
# led_looping = 1 # play the sequence only once
# led_looping = 10 # play the sequence 10 times
# led_looping = 15 # play the sequence 15 times

# Define what should happen when we get to the end of our servo sequence
servo_looping = 0  # play the sequence in an endless loop forever
# servo_looping = 1 # play the sequence only once
# servo_looping = 10 # play the sequence 10 times
# servo_looping = 15 # play the sequence 15 times

# Set the LEDs to off
leds.fill((0, 0, 0))

##--- Main loop
while True:

    # Make a call to the library and request the desired of our LED
    position_led, running_led, changed_led = vs_led.sequence(sequence=led_sequence, loop_max=led_looping)

    # See if the values changed for the next move, then do so
    if changed_led:
        print(f'Sequence Num: {vs_led.seq_pos}, Step: {vs_led.step}, Position: {position_led}')

        leds.fill((int(position_led), 0, 0))

    # Make a call to the library and request the desired of our servo motor
    position_servo, running_servo, changed_servo = vs_servo.sequence(sequence=servo_sequence, loop_max=servo_looping)

    # See if the values changed for the next move, then do so
    if changed_servo:
        print(f'Sequence Num: {vs_servo.seq_pos}, Step: {vs_servo.step}, Position: {position_servo}')
        my_servo.angle = position_servo