Step 4: Creating a timer
Now we’re ready to add in the timer! Import the time library:
##--- Imports
import time
We can replace the transition from state_work to state_idle with a timer. Add the following variables to the program. work_duration stores how long we would like state_work to last. This is set to 5 seconds. timer_duration and timer_mark will be used when setting the timer. timer_mark will store the starting point of the timer.
##--- Variables
# Timer variables
work_duration = 5
timer_duration = 0
timer_mark = 0
With these new variables, we can create a function that starts a new timer. We also create a new function that checks when the timer expires.
##--- Functions
##--- Acting machine effect functions
def set_timer(duration):
global timer_duration, timer_mark
timer_duration = duration
timer_mark = time.monotonic()
##--- Acting machine cause functions
def timer_expired():
global timer_mark, timer_duration
if time.monotonic() - timer_mark > timer_duration:
return True
return False
After altering the main loop to incoorporate the aforementioned functions, we obtain this:
##--- Main loop
while True:
# State Idle
if current_state == state_idle:
if check_button_press():
print("Switch from Idle to Work")
current_state = state_work
# State Work
elif current_state == state_work:
if timer_expired():
print("Switch from Work to Idle")
current_state = state_idle
Now, we can switch from state_idle to state_work with a button press. Once the button is pressed, a timer starts with the duration of work_duration. Once this timer expires, we transition back to state_idle.
It’s time to upload your code to the ItsyBitsy and see if it works! Your code should now:
- Output a print statement once the state changes
- Switch from state_work to state_idle when the timer expires
- Switch from state_idle to state_work when the button is pressed
- Turn the LED green when the state changes from idle to work
- Turn the LED off when the state changes from work to idle
Click here to see the code you should have until now.