01: Fading and blinking a Chainable LED (Groove)

This example used the Chainable LED of the Connected Interaction Kit, connected with the IN to D13 and the OUT to D10 of the Expander Board

##--- Library Imports
import time
import board
import p9813
from varspeed import Vspeed

##--- VarSpeed Variables

MIN = 0  # The minimum  possible value of our component
MAX = 255  # The maximum possible value of our component

vs = Vspeed(init_position=MIN, result="int")  # init_position = initial start position // result = float, int
vs.set_bounds(lower_bound=MIN, upper_bound=MAX)  # make the output of the function be within the bounds set

##--- Hardware Setup
pin_clk = board.D13
pin_data = board.D10
num_leds = 1
leds = p9813.P9813(pin_clk, pin_data, num_leds)

##--- Custom Movement Sequence
# This is where we can define the brightness of our LDED
# The sequence will go through each entry and move to the next entry
# The sequence is defined in this format: (next-position,seconds-to-move,number-of-steps,easing function)
# Take a look at different easing functions here: https://easings.net 
led_sequence = [
    (MAX, 0.1, 5, "QuadEaseIn"),
    # Translates to: Go to the MAX value within 0.1 seconds and 5 steps, and use a QuadEaseIn easing function
    (MIN, 1.0, 40, "QuadEaseInOut")
    # Translates to: Go to the MIN value within 1 seconds and 40 steps, and use a QuadEaseInOut easing function

# Define what should happen when we get to the end of our sequence
led_looping = 0  # play the sequence in an endless loop forever
# led_looping = 1 # play the sequence only once
# led_looping = 10 # play the sequence 10 times
# led_looping = 15 # play the sequence 15 times

leds.fill((0, 0, 0))

##--- Main loop
while True:
    # Make a call to the library and request the desired of our LED
    position, running, changed = vs.sequence(sequence=led_sequence, loop_max=led_looping)
    # See if the values changed for the next move, then do so
    if changed:
            f'Sequence Num: {vs.seq_pos}, Step: {vs.step}, Position: {position}')
        leds.fill((int(position), 0, 0))