Custom Temperature Sensor


Input Analog

Changes its electrical resistance with temperature. Can be used to estimate the current temperature and detect changes.

Learn how to make your own thermistor here.

Basic rotation potentiometer example

Download the necessary adafruit_thermistor library with the 7.x bundle

# --- Imports
# --- Imports
import time
import board

# Download the library with the 8.x bundle at
import adafruit_thermistor 

# --- Variables
# Initialize analog input connected to temperature sensor
resistor = 10000
resistance = 10000
nominal_temp = 25
b_coefficient = 3950

# Connect the temperature sensor to pin A2 
temp_sensor = board.A2

# --- Functions

# Library function to read the temperature sensor accurately
thermistor = adafruit_thermistor.Thermistor(
    temp_sensor, resistor, resistance, nominal_temp, b_coefficient

# --- Setup

# --- Main loop
while True:
    celsius = thermistor.temperature
    fahrenheit = (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32
    print("== Temperature ==\n{} *C\n{} *F\n".format(celsius, fahrenheit))