Getting help

Why is my code not working?

Should you run into issues during coding please first carefully read the troubleshooting page.

Troubleshooting page

What do I do when hardware components are not working?

In case any of your components not working as expected, please check the documentation page of the component first and try getting it running with the example code first.

Most issues can be fixed by double-checking the following:

  1. Is your component connected to the right port of the Expander board?
  2. Is your ItsyBitsy properly plugged into your computer?
  3. Does an error message appear in MU’s Serial monitor, indicating a software issue (e.g. typos, coding mistake, missing library, etc.)

If you checked the points above thoroughly and your component is still not working, you can find extra help at IO’s Model Making and Machine Lab (PMB).

Where can I get more hardware components?

The Connected Interaction Kit can be extended with additional Grove components. Every Grove component should work.

You can get additional components at following places:

  1. Left-over and used Grove components can be gathered from the PMB for free
  2. New Grove components can be bought at the PMB for 1€ per piece
  3. Depending on the course, components can be borrowed temporarily from IO’s StudioLab and Applied Lab
  4. Bought online, for instance at Kiwi Electronics

Where can I get support for prototyping for courses?

Each course using the Connected Interaction Kit will have their own tech support that can guide and support you in learning prototyping.

How do I upgrade my Circuit Python version?

For Itsy Bitsy M4 For RP2040 Expander
Start upgrade Start upgrade

How do I install the required Circuit Python libraries?

  1. Open the latest version of our project bundle

Download Project Bundle

  1. Download the file
  2. Unzip the file on your computer
  3. Copy the complete lib folder
  4. Paste the complete lib folder in the CIRCUITPY drive
  5. Press replace if prompted.

How do I install other Circuit Python libraries?

Guide based on Adafruit update page, check this page for more in-depth guidance

  1. Download the CircuitPython Library you want
    1. This can be part of the complete Adafruit CircuitPython bundle: “Bundle for Version 9.x” from this page.
    2. Or this can be part of the Adafruit Community bundle: from this page
  2. Unzip the file and copy the file to your lib folder on your ItsyBitsy

How to upgrade the ItsyBitsy M4 bootloader

This is only for the Itsy Bitsy M4. Guide based on Adafruit update page, check this page for more in-depth guidance

This is a guide to update the bootloader, not a guide to update the Circuit Python version

  1. Connect ItsyBitsy to your computer, you should see a USB drive appear as: CIRCUITPY
  2. Double-click the RESET button, the drive disappears and reappears as: ITSYM4BOOT
  3. Open the INFO_UF2.TXT, you should see something like UF2 Bootloader v2.0.0, this shows you the current version of the bootloader you are using.
  4. Download the latest version AT THE END of this page under “Update UF2 Bootloader”
  5. Drag the .uf2 file to the ITSYM4BOOT drive.
  6. Open the INFO_UF2.TXT, you should see something like UF2 Bootloader v3.15.0, this shows you the current version of the bootloader you are upgraded to.