
Welcome to the tutorials section of the Connected Interaction Kit!

Here, you will find a comprehensive set of tutorials aimed at helping you take your first steps in working with microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators. We included easy-to-follow instructions covering everything from setting up the tools needed to use your microcontroller to creating your first interaction and writing your first program.

The tutorials below are partly also written up in the physical booklet included in the kit. The PDF version of that booklet is available in our GitHub repository.

To start your journey in the exciting world of electronics from this page in your browser, click the button below:

Get started


If you are looking for quick references, you can jump directly to these tutorials:

Tutorial 1 - Preparation
Tutorial 2 - Let There Be Light!
Tutorial 3 - Adding Inputs and Outputs
Tutorial 4 - Connecting To The Internet
Tutorial 5 - Assembling Custom Components

For references on using specific components, jump to the Components section:

Component Overview